Chapter 2 Reflection

All though in chapter two, we read all the different religions that can be found in Southeast Asia, I will be focusing on Buddhism. I've always been fascinated and intrigued by Buddhism, it mainly has to do with the fact that they state that all pain and suffering comes from desire and to ultimately be content is to be desireless. I find really fascinating because I feel like this impossible but there are Buddhists monks who are able to accomplish this, I know that I will not be able to achieve this simply because I have a lot of desire just like everyone such as owning a fancy exotic car, living in a mansion, getting paid to sleep and just being filthy rich but a blame this partly on social media and western society. I also read that in the chapter that "one must detach himself to end or ease suffering," I believe this because for example when I have a headache or feel ill, I just make myself to go to sleep by doing this I'm no longer in pain, I unattached from my body and my conciseness is somewhere else, therefore, I unknowingly did a Buddhist practice and most of us do the same therefore we all are practicing Buddhism without even knowing it. 
