Chapter 1 Reflection

In this blog, I will be discussing more on the monsoon in Asia. As I was reading through chapter one I couldn't help to notice the emphasis on how the early Southeast Asian and Indus Valley civilizations heavily thrived on the on the phenomenal event of the monsoon. This emphasis on the monsoon made me do more extensive research on how the monsoon effects today's governed states in southeast Asia and India. I found an online article published by the Business Insider, written by Adam Taylor and Samuel Blackstone on June 20, 2012, titled "WhyThe Monsoon Is The Biggest Factor In The South Asain Economy." In this article, it discusses that not only is the monsoon is an environmental phenomenal it is responsible for the welfare of the South Asian economy, it is vital to India in more recent years given to "the fears about the economy," but those many other nations like Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and many others nations are affected by the monsoon. India out of these nations seem to is affected the most because "80% of the rainfall is from the monsoon" and with "two thirds out of its 1.2 billion people still work in agriculture." Although the science behind the monsoon is no mystery, to this day it is "hard to predict," monsoon can either be "bad" or "excess" for example in Thailand in 2011 a "bad monsoon" meaning there is less than 90% of rainfall caused nearly $450 million in crop damage but in later years an "excess monsoon" took place topping the average  of rainfall by 110% causing one of the worst floodings in Thailand in 50 years. I find it surprising that to this day the monsoon can still not be fully predicted after knowing what it is for many years. Not only that it surprise that it is still not predictable but it controls the economies welfare and economist have no solutions or techniques in aiding through it.
