I Have A Pet Pig

Wild boars, also known as Eurasian wild pigs, are the largest terrestrial mammals in Hong Kong, a city of more than seven million people, according to the local Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. The pigs can grow to over 400 pounds, and their population soars here because they have no natural predators. They are not generally violent toward humans, but they sometimes wander from Hong Kong’s countryside into nearby shopping malls, playgrounds and public barbecue sites in search of food, raising the potential for conflicts. Wild boars are widespread in Hong Kong and normally live there in a “natural environment,” the agriculture department said in an email, adding that the animals can become accustomed to searching for food in residential areas if they are fed there or can easily find food in trash bins. Recently, these wild boars have become a normal sight to see on sidewalks in Hong Kong and are not so friendly either. I actually have a pet pig with my girlfriend, his name is Nacho. It's funny to see its a normal thing in Hong Kong as it is normal in my house since I have had him for over a month now. It is surprising to see that these wild pigs get as big as humans and over 400 pounds. My pig will only get to be around 150 which is relatively small compared to these boars.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/world/asia/wild-boar-hong-kong.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fasia&action=click&contentCollection=asia®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront
